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Templated Workouts

Templated Workouts are preplanned routines with sets, reps, weights, and rest times, designed for consistent and repeatable training.

Updated over a week ago

A Templated Workout includes preplanned exercises with specified sets, reps, weights, and rest times. In contrast, a Freeform Workout means you are starting an open workout with no preplanned exercises.

Train Fitness Pro users can create unlimited templates, while free users can have up to two templates.

How to Create a Template

Creating a Template

With Train Fitness, you can create templates to save workout routines for repeated use. To create a new template:

  1. Go to the Workout tab and tap the plus icon in the upper right corner.

  2. Select "Add Template."

  3. Enter the required information, including the template title and exercises. The caption and the cover image are optional.

  4. When finished, tap "Create Template."

Saving a Workout as a Template

You can save any workout—yours or someone else’s—as a template. To do this on your iPhone:

  1. Open the Workout Details of the workout you want to save.

  2. Tap "... > Save as Template".

Editing a Template

To edit an existing template:

  1. Navigate to the template you want to edit.

  2. Tap the ... menu in the upper right corner and select Edit Template Details or Edit Template Log.

  • Edit Template Details lets you change the template name, caption, and cover image, as well as the Template Exercise Log.

  • Edit Template Log allows you to edit exercises, reps, and weights directly.

Working out with a Template

Starting a Freeform Workout

To start a Template Workout on your iPhone, navigate to the desired template and tap "Start Workout."

To start a Template Workout on your Apple Watch:

  1. Tap Start "Workout > Template."

  2. Select the desired template from the list. Note that recently added templates may take a moment to sync to your watch. Tap the refresh button on your Apple Watch to update the list.

  3. Tap the template to start the workout session.

Any session started on either the iPhone or Apple Watch will be mirrored across both devices, allowing you to edit or end the session on either device.

Guide Mode

When in a Templated Workout, you can enable Guide Mode on your Apple Watch. Guide Mode helps guide you through the workout, showing the next exercise, reps, and weight for each set. Learn more about Guide Mode.

Updating Templates

The templated workout you saved will reflect the actual data (reps, weight, etc.) instead of the planned template. When you save the workout, you have the option to update the template's weight, reps, and workout structure or any combination of these.

Tips for Using Templates

Personalizing Templates

Train Fitness Pro users can customize pre-made templates to better fit their training needs by adjusting the weights and reps. Learn more about Smart Weight and Reps.

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