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Tempo refers to the speed of exercise movements. Adjusting tempo targets muscles, increases tension, and improves strength and power.

Updated over a week ago

Tempo refers to the speed at which you perform an exercise, typically expressed as a ratio such as 3:0:2:1, with each number representing a portion of the movement in seconds.

For example, using a tempo of 3:0:1:3 for a Back Squat means descending into the squat over 3 seconds, transitioning seamlessly at the bottom without a pause, rising to the starting position over 1 second, and pausing at the top for 3 seconds before repeating the cycle.

To access Tempo information for each set in the mobile editor:

  1. Expand the exercise if it is not already expanded.

  2. From the dropdown menu, select "Tempo."

Benefits of Tempo Training

Modifying the speed of your exercise movements is referred to as Tempo Training. By adjusting the tempo, you can target specific muscle fibers, increase time under tension, and enhance overall muscle development.

For example, slowing down the eccentric (lowering) portion of a movement can increase muscle activation and stimulate greater muscle growth. Conversely, focusing on speeding up the concentric (lifting) phase can improve power and explosive strength.

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